Shirley McNaughton C.M., Ph.D.


1953 Honour B.A. in Psychology
University of Toronto
(A.E. Lang Scholarship)
1965-66 Toronto Teachers' College
Primary Specialist Course
1970-72 Elementary and Intermediate Special
Education Courses
1980 M. Ed., Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
University of Toronto
1998 PhD., Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
University of Toronto
Thesis entitled Reading Acquisition of Adults with Severe Congenital Speech and Physical Impairments: Theoretical Infrastructure, Empirical Investigation, Educational Application


1950 A.R.C.T., Solo Performer, piano
1962-63 Carl Orff "Music for Children"
Summer Course, University of Toronto
1964 Boris Berlin's Piano Pedagogy
Summer Course, University of Toronto


1975 Awarded a Hilroy Fellowship Award through the Canadian Teachers' Federation
1979 Awarded the Doris Griffith Award by the Ontario Federation for the Cerebral Palsied
1983 Appointed Fellow, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
University of Toronto
1984 Appointed Fellow, Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America
1989 Invested as a Member of the Order of Canada for work with persons who are nonspeaking
1989 Awarded the Judge George Ferguson Award by the Ontario March of Dimes
1990 Awarded the Distinguished Service Award by the Easter Seal Society, Ontario
1990 Awarded the Walter Dinsdale Award by the Canadian Rehabilitation Council for the Disabled
1990 Awarded the Paul Bawden Memorial Award of Excellence by the Ontario Division for Children with Communication Disorders


1957-63 Co-founder and Administrator, co-operative and private Nursery Schools
1962-65 Private music teacher
1966-68 Kindergarten teacher, North York and Toronto Boards of Education
1968-72 Special education teacher, Ontario Crippled Children's Centre (OCCC)
1972-75 Supervisor, Bliss Project, OCCC
1975-79 Program Director, Blissymbolics Communication Foundation (re-named Institute)
1979-81 Founder, Director, Blissymbolics Communication Service, OCCC
1981-88 Program Director and Executive Director, Blissymbolics Communication Institute (re-named Easter Seal Communication Institute, 1987)
1989 (January) Retired from position of Executive Director, Easter Seal Communication Institute
1989 (January) Maintained position of Coordinator, Educational Service Program, Easter Seal Communication Institute
1989 (June) Retired from position of Coordinator, Educational Service Program, Easter Seal Communication Institute
1991-2001 Co-editor and co-publisher with Dr. Peter Lindsay of Communicating Together, quarterly magazine.
1990,1991 Course instructor, Augmentative Communications II
Summer Course, Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology
June, 1993 Presenter, The Development of Literacy Skills by Individuals with Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Needs
Summer Course, Purdue University


1980 Co-chairperson, Non-Speech Conference
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario
1982 Co-chairperson, Second International Non-Speech Conference
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario
1982-87 Member, Committee on Augmentative Communication, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1982-84 National Advisor and Chairperson, Canadian National Committee of International Project for Communication Aids for the Speech Impaired, IPCAS
1982 Co-chairperson, Action Committee to establish a membership-based, international, interdisciplinary organization for those involved in Non-Speech Communication
1982-present Member, International Panel for Blissymbol System Development, Blissymbolics Communication International, BCI
1983-86 Founding President, International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, ISAAC
1983-84 Chairperson, Microcomputer Committee, March of Dimes
1984 Chairperson, Special Session on Communication Aids
Second International Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering
1985 Member, Communication Awareness and Action Group, Toronto
1985 Member, Task Force Three-AAC Services for Adults
Assistive Devices Program, Ontario Ministry of Health
1985-87 Member, Advisory Committee
Microprocessor Application Training Program, March of Dimes
1985-87 Member, Board of Directors
Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America
1985-87 Member, Advisory Board, Implementation Strategies for Improving the Use of Communication Aids
Project undertaken for the U.S. Department of Education by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1987 Member, Education Committee
Assistive Devices Branch, Ontario Ministry of Health
1987-1989 Member, Peer Review Committee Assistive Devices Branch, Ontario Ministry of Health
1987-89 Past President, responsible for negotiating establishment of National chapters
International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, ISAAC
1987 Member, Curriculum Development Committee developing credit course in Augmentative Communication
Additional Qualifications Program, Ontario Ministry of Education
1988-89 Part-time faculty member, Faculty of Education
York University, North York
Instructor for summer course in Augmentative Communication, Additional Qualifications Program for Teachers
1989-1994 Chair, Translations Committee
International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, ISAAC
1989-1996 Member, Board of Directors
International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, ISAAC
1989-present Vice-Chair, Board of Directors
Blissymbolics Communication International, BCI
1989-90 Member, Advisory Committee
Easter Seal Communication Institute, ESCI
1991-1996 Member, Advisory Committee on Communication for People with Disabilities
Industry Canada, Federal Government of Canada
1996-1997 Member, Minister's Advisory Committee
Industry Canada (re: Assistive Devices Industry Program)
1999-2003 Assistant Professor, status appointment, Department of Speech-Language Pathology
Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
1999-2003 Associate Member of the School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto
2001-2006 Founding Member and Vice-Chair, Board of Directors
Blissymbolics Learning Centre, Muskoka, Ontario
2002-2006 Program Director
Blissymbolics Learning Centre, Muskoka, Ontario
June-Sept, 2006 Teacher
Blissymbolics Learning Centre, Muskoka, Ontario
2006- present Author and Tutor of 'Bliss 101', web-based Introductory Training Course in Blissymbolics
July, 2007 Co-Chair, Blissymbolics Communication International Think Tank
University of Dundee, Scotland


McNaughton, S. 1975. Symbol Secrets. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

McNaughton, S., & Kates, B. 1975. The First Application of Blissymbolics as a Communication Medium for Non-Speaking Children: History and Development, 1971-74. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication Foundation.

Silverman, H., McNaughton, S., & Kates, B. 1976. The Formative Evaluation of the Ontario Crippled Children's Centre Symbol Communication Program, 1974-76. Toronto: Contracted by Ontario Ministry of Education.

Silverman, H., McNaughton, S., & Kates, B. 1978. Handbook of Blissymbolics for Instructors, Users, Parents and Administrators. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication Institute. Contracted by the Ontario Ministry of Education.

McNaughton, S., & Kates, B. 1980. The Application of Blissymbolics. In R. L. Schiefelbusch (Ed.), Non-speech Language and Communication: Analysis and Intervention. Baltimore: University Park Press.

McNaughton, S. 1980. Augmentative Communication System: Blissymbolics. In E.E. Bleck & D.A. Nagel (Editors), Physically Handicapped Children - A Medical Atlas for Teachers. New York: Grune and Stratton, Second Edition.

McNaughton, S., Staub, J., Byce, G., Seybold, K., Hasley, D., & Odell, S. 1982. Microprocessors in the Work Setting: An Opportunity for the Disabled. In Proceedings of Computers and the Handicapped Conference. Ottawa: National Research Council of Canada.

Robbins, M., McNaughton, S., & Seybold, K. 1983. The Social and Psychological Dynamics Within A Computer-Based Job Training Program For The Disabled. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computers in the Education and Employment of the Handicapped. Ottawa: IEEE.

McNaughton, S. 1984. Personal Computers and Blissymbolics. In D. Peterson (Ed.), Intelligent Schoolhouse : Readings on Computers & Learning. Reston: Reston Pub.

McNaughton, S., & Warrick, A. 1984. Picture Your Blissymbols Instructional Manual. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication Institute.

McNaughton, S., & Warrick, A. 1984. Picture Your Blissymbols. The Canadian Journal on Mental Retardation. Vol. 34, No. 4.

McNaughton, S. 1985. Communicating with Blissymbolics. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication Institute.

McNaughton, S. 1987. Providing support to Educators Who Are Responsible for the Educational Programs of Augmentative Communicators. Toronto: Easter Seal Communication Institute.

McNaughton, S. 1989. A Beginning Look at Graphics. Paper for Developing Countries. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication International.

McNaughton, S. 1990. Making the Most of AAC's Growing Years. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), 5 (1), 2-14.

McNaughton, S. 1993. Graphic representational systems and literacy learning. Topics in Language Disorders, 13 (2), 58-75.

McNaughton, S. 1993. Connecting with Consumers. Assistive Technology, 4 (1), 1-4.

McNaughton, S. & Lindsay, P. 1995. Approaching literacy with AAC graphics. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), 11 (4), 212-228.

McNaughton, S. 1982-2000. Articles and editorials for Communicating Together, as co-publisher and writer of SymbolTalk section.

McNaughton, S. 2002. Blissymbol learners, their language and their learning partners: Development through three decades (Chapter 15). In S. von Tetzchner and N. Grove, Augmentative and alternative communication: Developmental issues. London, UK: Whurr.

McNaughton, S. 2002. What to look for on the literacy voyage. In K. Erikson, D. Koppenhaver & D. Yoder, Waves of Words. Toronto: International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication.


Project Officer - Evaluation of Blissymbolic Communication Utilizing the Blisscom and Blissterm
Research project supported by the Conn Smythe Research Foundation, 1979-81.

Principal Investigator - Towards Creative Computing By Severely Disabled Persons Through Adaptive Interface Systems: Phase II
Microcomputer Applications Programme, Rehabilitation Engineering Department and Augmentative Communication Service, Ontario Crippled Children's Centre, Toronto, Canada, 1983.

Co-Director - Blisspen Project
Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education Innovative Lessonware Project, 1982-84.

Director - Blissbook Software Project
Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education, 1985-87.

Consultant - Blisscom Project
Conducted by IDON Corporation under contract with the Department of Supply and Services and the Department of Communications, Government of Canada, 1986-87.

Director - Dectalk Applied to Blissbook Software Project
funded by Ontario Ministry of Education, 1987.

Consultant - BlissTel Project
Conducted by IDON Corporation, under contract with the Department of Supply and Services and the Department of Communications, Government of Canada, 1989-1992.

Developer - Blissymbol Component-Minspeak-Words Strategy
Software for Prentke-Romich Corporation and Semantic Compaction Systems, 1988-present.

Co-developer - StoryBliss
Software, for Blissymbolics Communication International, 1989-1990.

Project Director - BlissNet Project
Under contract with the Department of Communications, National Strategy for Integration of Persons with Disabilities, 1992-1993.

Consultant - BlissNet Project
Supported by the Ontario Network Infrastructure Project (ONIP) and Blissymbolics Communication International, 1994-1996.

Consultant - BlissInternet Project
Blissymbolics Communication International, 1996-present.

Consultant - Widgit Software Project

Consultant - Mayer-Johnson, Boardmaker-Speaking Dynamically Pro Project, 2004-2005.


1973-74 Conference Presentations and lectures in Canada and USA relating to early development of Blissymbolics.
1975-76 Presentations, Lectures and Beginners and Advanced Workshops. Toronto, Ontario; West Seneca, NY; Dayton, OH; Kalamazoo, MI; Sarnia, Ontario; Montreal, Quebec; Pontiac,MI; Markham, Ontario.
1976-89 Lectures; Consultation regarding programming and technical development; Elementary and Advanced Workshops; Presentor Training. Toronto, Ottawa, Sarnia, London, Halifax, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Calgary; Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, California, Michigan, Minnesota, Georgia, Alabama, Iowa; Great Britain, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand.
Nov./89 Phonic Ear Distinguished Lecture. Making the Most of AAC's Growing Years. American Speech- Language-Hearing Association, St. Louis, MI.
Nov./89 Lecture. Introducing Blissymbol Component-Minspeak-Words Strategy. 4th. Annual Minspeak Conference, St. Louis, MI.
May, 1991 Presentation, 5th Canadian Congress of Rehabilitation, Prince Edward Island. Physical and Communication Disability: The Double Challenge.
October, 1991 Keynote address, State of the Art Conference, Purdue University.
October, 1991 Invited paper, Think Tank on AAC Graphics, Purdue University.
June, 1992 Keynote address, Everest & Jennings Distinguished Lecture, Resna Annual Conference, Toronto.
October, 1994 Presentation relating to Literacy and Persons with Severe Communication and Physical Impairments, 6th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
August, 1996 Presentation relating to Literacy and Persons with Severe Communication and Physical Impairments, 7th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Vancouver, Canada.
August, 1996 Miniseminar relating to BlissInternet, 7th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Vancouver, Canada.
October, 1996 Presentation, 20th Anniversary Celebration of Blissymbol Program in Sweden, Stockholm.
August, 1998 Presentation, Reading Acquisition of Adults with Severe Speech and Physical Impairments, 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Dublin, Ireland.
August, 1998 Poster Session, Learning from a Pilot Study: Graphic Symbols and Reading Acquisition, 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Dublin, Ireland.
September, 1999 Lecture, Interface Annual Meeting. Language Development and Literacy for AAC Users. Capetown, South Africa.
August, 2000 Presentation, Blissymbolics — The Emergence of a Written Language. 9th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Washington, USA.
May 2001 Presentation, Celebrating 25 Years of Blissymbolics in Sweden. Gotteborg, Sweden.
October, 2001 Presentation, Celebrating 30 Years of Blissymbolics in Canada. Toronto, Bloorview-MacMillan Centre.
October, 2004 Presentation, Blissymbolics Learning Centre, 11th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Natal, Brazil.