1953 |
Honour B.A. in Psychology University of Toronto (A.E. Lang Scholarship) |
1965-66 |
Toronto Teachers' College Primary Specialist Course |
1970-72 |
Elementary and Intermediate Special Education Courses |
1980 |
M. Ed., Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto |
1998 |
PhD., Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto Thesis entitled Reading Acquisition of Adults with Severe Congenital Speech and Physical Impairments: Theoretical Infrastructure, Empirical Investigation, Educational Application |
1950 | A.R.C.T., Solo Performer, piano |
1962-63 |
Carl Orff "Music for Children" Summer Course, University of Toronto |
1964 |
Boris Berlin's Piano Pedagogy Summer Course, University of Toronto |
1975 | Awarded a Hilroy Fellowship Award through the Canadian Teachers' Federation |
1979 | Awarded the Doris Griffith Award by the Ontario Federation for the Cerebral Palsied |
1983 |
Appointed Fellow, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto |
1984 | Appointed Fellow, Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America |
1989 | Invested as a Member of the Order of Canada for work with persons who are nonspeaking |
1989 | Awarded the Judge George Ferguson Award by the Ontario March of Dimes |
1990 | Awarded the Distinguished Service Award by the Easter Seal Society, Ontario |
1990 | Awarded the Walter Dinsdale Award by the Canadian Rehabilitation Council for the Disabled |
1990 | Awarded the Paul Bawden Memorial Award of Excellence by the Ontario Division for Children with Communication Disorders |
1957-63 | Co-founder and Administrator, co-operative and private Nursery Schools |
1962-65 | Private music teacher |
1966-68 | Kindergarten teacher, North York and Toronto Boards of Education |
1968-72 | Special education teacher, Ontario Crippled Children's Centre (OCCC) |
1972-75 | Supervisor, Bliss Project, OCCC |
1975-79 | Program Director, Blissymbolics Communication Foundation (re-named Institute) |
1979-81 | Founder, Director, Blissymbolics Communication Service, OCCC |
1981-88 | Program Director and Executive Director, Blissymbolics Communication Institute (re-named Easter Seal Communication Institute, 1987) |
1989 (January) | Retired from position of Executive Director, Easter Seal Communication Institute |
1989 (January) | Maintained position of Coordinator, Educational Service Program, Easter Seal Communication Institute |
1989 (June) | Retired from position of Coordinator, Educational Service Program, Easter Seal Communication Institute |
1991-2001 | Co-editor and co-publisher with Dr. Peter Lindsay of Communicating Together, quarterly magazine. |
1990,1991 |
Course instructor, Augmentative Communications II Summer Course, Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology |
June, 1993 |
Presenter, The Development of Literacy Skills by Individuals with Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Needs Summer Course, Purdue University |
1980 |
Co-chairperson, Non-Speech Conference Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario |
1982 |
Co-chairperson, Second International Non-Speech Conference Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario |
1982-87 | Member, Committee on Augmentative Communication, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association |
1982-84 | National Advisor and Chairperson, Canadian National Committee of International Project for Communication Aids for the Speech Impaired, IPCAS |
1982 | Co-chairperson, Action Committee to establish a membership-based, international, interdisciplinary organization for those involved in Non-Speech Communication |
1982-present | Member, International Panel for Blissymbol System Development, Blissymbolics Communication International, BCI |
1983-86 | Founding President, International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, ISAAC |
1983-84 | Chairperson, Microcomputer Committee, March of Dimes |
1984 |
Chairperson, Special Session on Communication Aids Second International Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering |
1985 | Member, Communication Awareness and Action Group, Toronto |
1985 |
Member, Task Force Three-AAC Services for Adults Assistive Devices Program, Ontario Ministry of Health |
1985-87 |
Member, Advisory Committee Microprocessor Application Training Program, March of Dimes |
1985-87 |
Member, Board of Directors Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America |
1985-87 |
Member, Advisory Board, Implementation
Strategies for Improving the Use of
Communication Aids Project undertaken for the U.S. Department of Education by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association |
1987 |
Member, Education Committee Assistive Devices Branch, Ontario Ministry of Health |
1987-1989 | Member, Peer Review Committee Assistive Devices Branch, Ontario Ministry of Health |
1987-89 |
Past President, responsible for negotiating
establishment of National chapters International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, ISAAC |
1987 |
Member, Curriculum Development Committee
developing credit course in Augmentative
Communication Additional Qualifications Program, Ontario Ministry of Education |
1988-89 |
Part-time faculty member, Faculty of Education York University, North York Instructor for summer course in Augmentative Communication, Additional Qualifications Program for Teachers |
1989-1994 |
Chair, Translations Committee International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, ISAAC |
1989-1996 |
Member, Board of Directors International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, ISAAC |
1989-present |
Vice-Chair, Board of Directors Blissymbolics Communication International, BCI |
1989-90 |
Member, Advisory Committee Easter Seal Communication Institute, ESCI |
1991-1996 |
Member, Advisory Committee on Communication for People with Disabilities Industry Canada, Federal Government of Canada |
1996-1997 |
Member, Minister's Advisory Committee Industry Canada (re: Assistive Devices Industry Program) |
1999-2003 |
Assistant Professor, status appointment, Department of Speech-Language Pathology Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto |
1999-2003 | Associate Member of the School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto |
2001-2006 |
Founding Member and Vice-Chair, Board of Directors Blissymbolics Learning Centre, Muskoka, Ontario |
2002-2006 |
Program Director Blissymbolics Learning Centre, Muskoka, Ontario |
June-Sept, 2006 |
Teacher Blissymbolics Learning Centre, Muskoka, Ontario |
2006- present | Author and Tutor of 'Bliss 101', web-based Introductory Training Course in Blissymbolics |
July, 2007 |
Co-Chair, Blissymbolics Communication International Think Tank University of Dundee, Scotland |
McNaughton, S. 1975. Symbol Secrets. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
McNaughton, S., & Kates, B. 1975. The First Application of Blissymbolics as a Communication Medium for Non-Speaking Children: History and Development, 1971-74. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication Foundation.
Silverman, H., McNaughton, S., & Kates, B. 1976. The Formative Evaluation of the Ontario Crippled Children's Centre Symbol Communication Program, 1974-76. Toronto: Contracted by Ontario Ministry of Education.
Silverman, H., McNaughton, S., & Kates, B. 1978. Handbook of Blissymbolics for Instructors, Users, Parents and Administrators. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication Institute. Contracted by the Ontario Ministry of Education.
McNaughton, S., & Kates, B. 1980. The Application of Blissymbolics. In R. L. Schiefelbusch (Ed.), Non-speech Language and Communication: Analysis and Intervention. Baltimore: University Park Press.
McNaughton, S. 1980. Augmentative Communication System: Blissymbolics. In E.E. Bleck & D.A. Nagel (Editors), Physically Handicapped Children - A Medical Atlas for Teachers. New York: Grune and Stratton, Second Edition.
McNaughton, S., Staub, J., Byce, G., Seybold, K., Hasley, D., & Odell, S. 1982. Microprocessors in the Work Setting: An Opportunity for the Disabled. In Proceedings of Computers and the Handicapped Conference. Ottawa: National Research Council of Canada.
Robbins, M., McNaughton, S., & Seybold, K. 1983. The Social and Psychological Dynamics Within A Computer-Based Job Training Program For The Disabled. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computers in the Education and Employment of the Handicapped. Ottawa: IEEE.
McNaughton, S. 1984. Personal Computers and Blissymbolics. In D. Peterson (Ed.), Intelligent Schoolhouse : Readings on Computers & Learning. Reston: Reston Pub.
McNaughton, S., & Warrick, A. 1984. Picture Your Blissymbols Instructional Manual. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication Institute.
McNaughton, S., & Warrick, A. 1984. Picture Your Blissymbols. The Canadian Journal on Mental Retardation. Vol. 34, No. 4.
McNaughton, S. 1985. Communicating with Blissymbolics. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication Institute.
McNaughton, S. 1987. Providing support to Educators Who Are Responsible for the Educational Programs of Augmentative Communicators. Toronto: Easter Seal Communication Institute.
McNaughton, S. 1989. A Beginning Look at Graphics. Paper for Developing Countries. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication International.
McNaughton, S. 1990. Making the Most of AAC's Growing Years. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), 5 (1), 2-14.
McNaughton, S. 1993. Graphic representational systems and literacy learning. Topics in Language Disorders, 13 (2), 58-75.
McNaughton, S. 1993. Connecting with Consumers. Assistive Technology, 4 (1), 1-4.
McNaughton, S. & Lindsay, P. 1995. Approaching literacy with AAC graphics. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), 11 (4), 212-228.
McNaughton, S. 1982-2000. Articles and editorials for Communicating Together, as co-publisher and writer of SymbolTalk section.
McNaughton, S. 2002. Blissymbol learners, their language and their learning partners: Development through three decades (Chapter 15). In S. von Tetzchner and N. Grove, Augmentative and alternative communication: Developmental issues. London, UK: Whurr.
McNaughton, S. 2002. What to look for on the literacy voyage. In K. Erikson, D. Koppenhaver & D. Yoder, Waves of Words. Toronto: International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
Project Officer - Evaluation of Blissymbolic Communication
Utilizing the Blisscom and Blissterm
Research project supported by the Conn Smythe Research Foundation, 1979-81.
Principal Investigator - Towards Creative Computing By
Severely Disabled Persons Through Adaptive Interface
Systems: Phase II
Microcomputer Applications Programme,
Rehabilitation Engineering Department and Augmentative
Communication Service, Ontario Crippled Children's Centre,
Toronto, Canada, 1983.
Co-Director - Blisspen Project
Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education Innovative Lessonware Project, 1982-84.
Director - Blissbook Software Project
Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education, 1985-87.
Consultant - Blisscom Project
Conducted by IDON Corporation under
contract with the Department of Supply and Services and the
Department of Communications, Government of Canada,
Director - Dectalk Applied to Blissbook Software Project
funded by Ontario Ministry of Education, 1987.
Consultant - BlissTel Project
Conducted by IDON
Corporation, under contract with the Department
of Supply and Services and the Department of
Communications, Government of Canada, 1989-1992.
Developer - Blissymbol Component-Minspeak-Words Strategy
Software for Prentke-Romich Corporation and Semantic
Compaction Systems, 1988-present.
Co-developer - StoryBliss
Software, for Blissymbolics Communication International,
Project Director - BlissNet Project
Under contract with the Department of
Communications, National Strategy for Integration of Persons with Disabilities, 1992-1993.
Consultant - BlissNet Project
Supported by the Ontario Network Infrastructure Project (ONIP) and Blissymbolics Communication International, 1994-1996.
Consultant - BlissInternet Project
Blissymbolics Communication International, 1996-present.
Consultant - Widgit Software Project
Consultant - Mayer-Johnson, Boardmaker-Speaking Dynamically Pro Project, 2004-2005.
1973-74 | Conference Presentations and lectures in Canada and USA relating to early development of Blissymbolics. |
1975-76 | Presentations, Lectures and Beginners and Advanced Workshops. Toronto, Ontario; West Seneca, NY; Dayton, OH; Kalamazoo, MI; Sarnia, Ontario; Montreal, Quebec; Pontiac,MI; Markham, Ontario. |
1976-89 | Lectures; Consultation regarding programming and technical development; Elementary and Advanced Workshops; Presentor Training. Toronto, Ottawa, Sarnia, London, Halifax, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Calgary; Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, California, Michigan, Minnesota, Georgia, Alabama, Iowa; Great Britain, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand. |
Nov./89 | Phonic Ear Distinguished Lecture. Making the Most of AAC's Growing Years. American Speech- Language-Hearing Association, St. Louis, MI. |
Nov./89 | Lecture. Introducing Blissymbol Component-Minspeak-Words Strategy. 4th. Annual Minspeak Conference, St. Louis, MI. |
May, 1991 | Presentation, 5th Canadian Congress of Rehabilitation, Prince Edward Island. Physical and Communication Disability: The Double Challenge. |
October, 1991 | Keynote address, State of the Art Conference, Purdue University. |
October, 1991 | Invited paper, Think Tank on AAC Graphics, Purdue University. |
June, 1992 | Keynote address, Everest & Jennings Distinguished Lecture, Resna Annual Conference, Toronto. |
October, 1994 | Presentation relating to Literacy and Persons with Severe Communication and Physical Impairments, 6th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Maastricht, The Netherlands. |
August, 1996 | Presentation relating to Literacy and Persons with Severe Communication and Physical Impairments, 7th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Vancouver, Canada. |
August, 1996 | Miniseminar relating to BlissInternet, 7th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Vancouver, Canada. |
October, 1996 | Presentation, 20th Anniversary Celebration of Blissymbol Program in Sweden, Stockholm. |
August, 1998 | Presentation, Reading Acquisition of Adults with Severe Speech and Physical Impairments, 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Dublin, Ireland. |
August, 1998 | Poster Session, Learning from a Pilot Study: Graphic Symbols and Reading Acquisition, 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Dublin, Ireland. |
September, 1999 | Lecture, Interface Annual Meeting. Language Development and Literacy for AAC Users. Capetown, South Africa. |
August, 2000 | Presentation, Blissymbolics — The Emergence of a Written Language. 9th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Washington, USA. |
May 2001 | Presentation, Celebrating 25 Years of Blissymbolics in Sweden. Gotteborg, Sweden. |
October, 2001 | Presentation, Celebrating 30 Years of Blissymbolics in Canada. Toronto, Bloorview-MacMillan Centre. |
October, 2004 | Presentation, Blissymbolics Learning Centre, 11th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Natal, Brazil. |