Prelude To ISAAC

Prelude To ISAAC Movie

This film called Prelude to ISAAC was shown at the digital ISAAC meeting on the 12th of August.

The film is produced by Penny Parnes, Lynnette Norris, Judy wine and Shirley who all were very actively involved in introducing Blissymbolics as a mean of linguistic communication for children without functional speech in the 70ties. In the film, they interview many of the people, teachers, SLPs, technicians, parents, etc. who were involved in the Bliss work that eventually led to the creation of ISAAC and the concept.

View with captions here

or without captions here.

Picture Book With Bliss Words

Picture Book With Bliss Words

By Lode Van de Velde

This Picture Book with Bliss-Words is a picture dictionary for the Blissymbolics language. It contains 450 Bliss words from daily life, explained with pictures in 35 categories. In the back of the book, there is an exercise section to practise a selection of Bliss symbols.

Available now here.

BCI Annual General Meeting (AGM), March 16 2021

March 16th 2021, BCI Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Zoom

13:00 EDT, 17:00 GMT, 18:00 CET and 19:00 EET

The Zoom link and the Agenda and appropriate documents will be distributed to all Members of 2021 one week before the meeting.

Motions from Members must be received by the Board no later than three weeks before the AGM thus on February 23rd.

Members have the right to vote, To pay the Membership fee for 2021, see information under Membership in the left column. When you become a member for the first time, or renew your membership you will fill in the Membership form.

Remembering Lyle Lloyd (8.10 1934–2.12 2020)

Lyle Lloyd, a pioneer within the field of AAC and a strong supporter of Blissymbolics, passed away February 12, 2020.

Margareta Jennische and Shirley McNaughton of BCI, together with several other friends and colleagues of Lyle's, have published an obituary in the journal Augmentative and Alternative Communication. 

Read the obituary as a PDF or online.

Additional information