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Resource 10

Dictionaries, Software, Publications.


Since 1996, under the direction of the Blissymbolics Development Secretariat in Sweden - Margareta Jennische, Britt Amberntson, Kerstin Lorstrom – BCI International Panel Members have worked non-stop to increase the BCI Authorized Vocabulary, building on the 25 years of work in Toronto. Here is how the published vocabulary has grown since BCI’s first published dictionary in 1982:
Year___ # Bliss-words___ Publication
19821400Blissymbols for Use
19912300Blissymbol Reference Guide (BRG)
20043000Supplement to BRG (700 new Bliss-words)
200635882006 Supplement to BRG (1288 Bliss-words)
20145588incremental additions by the international Panel Meetings (2000 Bliss-words)

Thanks to the work of Peter Lindsay and Paul Marshall, the 2006 Supplement to Blissymbol Reference Guide is available electronically as well as in hard copy. It contains all the Bliss-words from the 2004 Supplement as well as those added since the first Supplement’s publication (for a total of 1288 Bliss-words). To order, write:

Pricing for BCI vocabularies:

Blissymbol Reference Guide (1992) - $65.00 (Hard copy only available)
*2006 Supplement Electronic copy - $20.00 or Hard copy - $40.00 plus mailing costs.

*All Affiliates and Board Members receive access to a free electronic copy and are mailed a free hard copy upon request. Developers and Bliss users are eligible to obtain free electronic copies and will be mailed a free hard copy upon payment of shipping costs and the authorization of a BCI Board member.

Students enrolled in the Bliss 101 Web Training Program are eligible for a free electronic copy of the 2006 Supplement, upon request and the authorization of their Bliss Tutor
. Write your Bliss tutor or

Note: This information is partly outdated. Please log into the Community Area of the BCI website to find the current vocabulary resources and documentation!


Blissymbol Library for creating Blissymbol displays using Boardmaker and Speaking Dynamically Pro software.

For information, contact:

Mayer-Johnson LLC
PO Box 1579
Solana Beach, CA 92075-7579
Telephone: 858-550-0084
Fax: 858-550-0449
Toll free: 800-588-4548

Symbol for Windows
Software with modules for display construction, communication, exporting and editing Blissymbols.

For information, contact:

Tuomo Riihimäki
Managing Director
Modemo Ltd
Phone +44 1792 368 115
Mobile: +44 79 68 27 11 93

Software for editing, exporting and processing Bliss-words, using Windows clipboard or files.

For information, contact:
AnyCom AB
Flundrevägen 26
S-296 72 YNGSJÖ

Note: For a more up-to-date list of web and software tools and resources see: Access_to_Blissymbolics_in_ICT_2014.pdf


For further information regarding the publications listed below, see website, Blissymbolics Communication International
  • Bliss, C.K. (1965). Semantography (Blissymbolics). Sydney: Semantography (Blissymbolics) Publications. (out of print)
  • Blissymbolics Communication International. (2006). Blissymbol Reference Guide Supplement. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication International.
  • Hehner, B. (1980). Blissymbols for use. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication Institute.
  • McDonald, E.T. (1980). Teaching and Using Blissymbolics. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication Institute.
  • McNaughton, S. (1985). Communicating with Blissymbolics. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication Institute.
  • McNaughton, S. (1995). Responding to "What is your latest thinking on Bliss?". Communicating Together, 12 (4), 22-23.
  • McNaughton, S. (1998). Reading acquisition of adults with severe congenital speech and physical impairments: theoretical infrastructure, empirical investigation, educational application. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto, Toronto.
  • McNaughton, S. 2002. Blissymbol learners, their language and their learning partners: Development through three decades (Chapter 16). In S. von Tetzchner and N. Grove, Augmentative and alternative communication: Developmental issues. London, UK: Whurr.
  • McNaughton, S. 2002. What to look for on the literacy voyage. In K. Erikson, D. Koppenhaver & D. Yoder, Waves of Words. Toronto: International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
  • Silverman, H., McNaughton, S., & Kates, B. (1978). Handbook of Blissymbolics. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication Institute.
  • Wood, C., Storr, J., & Reich, P. (1992). Blissymbol Reference Guide. Toronto: Blissymbolics Communication International.